0.0.6 Patch notes

Here's the list of changes in 0.0.6:

V 0.0.6

Fixed a glitch where wall jumping while getting dizzy would result in a soft lock where Lilly would get stuck in that state.

Added animation to assets

Added some voice clips for Lilly. Will be expanded in the future. (Credits to  Xanya Clarke AKA Snowlette VA)

Fixed a glitch where Lilly would get stuck in walls when sliding into them a certain way

Removed the stamina meter (I felt it was no longer needed.) I also cleaned up the HUD a little.

Fixed a bug involving jump-through platforms, where the character looked "twitchy"(it was very hard to notice unless zoomed in, or playing at a high resolution)

Added a gem-loss feature when dying. If Lilly dies, you lose all of your collected gems. (may be adjusted in the future)
To expand on that, there's also a scatter effect that happens when gems are lost.

Added a "stage complete" end card when the stage ends. gems will also be added to a "bank".(The bank wont be accessible
until later on but the variable exists)

Fixed a bug where hearts would get stuck in walls when floating down.

Slightly adjusted the attacking hitbox position while facing right.

Lilly now bleeds when getting hurt by anything (as opposed to just bullets)

added a main menu 

added an options menu, and also added an option to switch between fullscreen and windowed mode.

added a "credits" section (can be found under options)

added a "high score" feature. This will be based on how many gems you collect during a playthrough. Try to get as many as you can!

High score also means saving/loading has been implemented to a small extent. (you can clear the data by holding down "D" on the first screen of the game)

added "???" What is this? guess you'll have to figure it out... (it isn't anything amazing. just a little Easter egg to thank dedicated players)

added dynamic music. When underwater, the music changes!

several other minor changes/fixes

Get Petal to the Metal Demo (Legacy ver)

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