Godot 0.0.16 Patch Notes

Mostly bug fixes. Here are the notes:


-Fixed bug where spinkicking into a vertical room switcher would result in Lilly getting stuck in her spinning animation. (Not sure how you'd pull this off in the real game as a vertical switcher would most likely be in a position where this weren't possible, but It's fixed just in case) >

-Fixed bug where if a running rotbot walked into a wall, it would not switch directions. (Pretty sure I fixed this earlier, but I must have changed something that affected it, and didn't notice)>>

-added gap detection for Rotbots. They will now detect if a gap is in their path, and turn around to avoid it. (can be toggled on or off, for creative diversity)>>

-fixed issue where if you dive on to an enemy during a wall jump, the wall jumping speed gets stuck to the player until they land >

-fixed issue where spinkicking underwater results in the dizzy counter counting down too fast >

-fixed issue where the dizzy emote doesn't stay during the dizzy state >

-fixed issue where if you walljump, and during the animation, attack without holding a direction, the hitbox will not spawn properly. >>

-fixed sprite inconstancies regarding walljumps and the direction the sprite is facing. >

-fixed issue where entering a room switcher too soon would not result in it triggering >

-Fixed issue with Rotbots who are running. When getting hit with Lilly's projectile, they would keep running as opposed to stopping like they're supposed to >

-fixed glitch where standing inside an underwater bubble as it spawns, would not trigger a collision >

-removed Godot branding and images from within the engine > 

-fixed issue where Lilly was able to trigger walljumps during her stomp spinning animation >


Petal to the Metal Godot Test 0.0.16.exe 69 MB
Oct 19, 2024

Get Petal to the Metal Demo (Legacy ver)

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