Godot 0.0.15 Patch Notes

Here are the patch notes for the 0.0.15 update. (It's a pretty chunky one!)


-fixed issue regarding unstable collisions when stomping on enemies >

-fixed issue regarding unstable collisions with springs >>

-fixed issue where stomping on fish bots would not trigger a bounce event>

-added fade-to-black screen transition for room switching>>

-added room switch type: Vertical (falling through a path/jumping up a path that triggers a room switch) >>

-Added animation to the dizzy emote >

-Fix the position for the dizzy emote >

-added room switch type: Door (press UP on controller or W on KBM to enter the new room) >>

-added room switch type: Horizontal (triggered when the character walks in a switcher that leads either left or right) >>

-added animation to springs >

-added sfx to springs >

-fixed glitch where attacking during a bounce animation would not trigger a sound >

-added the warning sound for drowning >

-fixed glitch where fish bots would increase health when colliding with them >

-added dandelion flowers >

-added health objects (hearts) >

-added fog swirls >>

-made some adjustments to the physics after stomping/bouncing >

-added switch blocks & button >

-added idle animation for Lilly (sleeping) >

Thanks for reading! Look forward to a general update shortly!


Petal to the Metal Godot Test 0.0.15.exe 69 MB
Oct 15, 2024

Get Petal to the Metal Demo (Legacy ver)

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